Get Around Town

Who Are You Following?


There is clearly craziness happening on social media and throughout the world; however, I refuse to let the craziness take over. Do know that there is more good than bad in the world. It is important to follow people who will assist in bringing value to your life both personally and professionally. We are all an influencer to someone whether we know it or not – someone is watching you: what you say and do.

Who or what is an influencer? Someone or something that influences others

What is influence?  The ability to influence someone to act or behave a certain way

There are thousands of influencers and millions of businesses in the world and on social media.

Did you know?

In 2024 there are over 200 million businesses on Instagram (IG) promoting their products and services (socialpilot)

The # of Influencers per social media channel:

  1. Instagram – 64 million (Trendhero)
  2. YouTube – 5 million (
  3. TikTok – 100 thousand (Shopify)
  4. Facebook – 42 thousand (Statista)

Our parents are our very first influencers that we encounter. In our early years from birth to toddler we are influenced by our parents, other family members, and childcare environment. School age (K through college) influenced by classmates, friends, teachers/school staff, in addition to parents and family members and then adulthood influenced by all the previous in addition to coworkers, boss and additional life challenges.

When I first joined the social media craze, I was following everyone, any and everybody just because that is what I thought we were to do. My account was mixed with personal and business, too. It was overwhelming, crazy posts and random DMs was all too much. There were a few accounts that I was following that were entertaining; however, there were many that did not provide any value or positivity to my life.

I started a new account and now I have become more aware of who I follow and why. If we connect with, I mean follow the right (positive) people who provides us with wisdom, knowledge, good advice, and guidance on what to do, what to say, how to respond, having faith, talking with and praying to God to lead and guide then you would surely be more at peace and in a loving and caring mindset. We all need positivity and encouragement in our lives consistently, and daily. Stay far away from negativity because we have no time to entertain or be influenced by the craziness.

For positive influence personally and professionally, I recommend you start following:

  1. Myron Golden (YouTube and IG)
  2. Lisa Nichols (YouTube and IG)
  3. Evan Carmichael (YouTube and IG)
  4. Michelle Thames (YouTube and IG)

Listen to: BOOST RADIO (Pop, Hip Hop and Hope)       

Now, professional influence (entrepreneur, small business owner, corporate): There are thousands of experts, gurus, coaches, and strategists on social media. So many systems, processes, webinars, trainings, courses and more, what are you to do? As an entrepreneur, a newer entrepreneur, you are wanting to get everything right – the right website, processes and systems in place. In Addition to getting customers and having consistent sales revenue. Do you know which systems and processes are right for you and your business?

Let me first say, you will not get everything right in life the first time, nor will everything within your business be perfect. Learning is all part of the process.

When I started my entrepreneurial journey, I started on Facebook (META) platform, I started boosting my posts and running ads – no clue if I was doing it right or not, yet I did it! I later began taking free and paid training courses to learn more in detail about boosting and running ads (advertisements). I began seeking out people who were doing what I wanted to learn at the time which was running ads. I started following them, take a free training offered by them, apply what I learned, continue to follow them, take a paid training offered by them, apply what I learned. I went from learning about Facebook ads to Instagram ads, which included learning about marketing, attracting customers, reaching your ideal customer base and more. My Facebook and Instagram Ad training was with Billy Gene is Marketing (follow him)

I was following several people (entrepreneur influencers), had taken many free and paid training courses that it had gotten to a point where I had to tell myself to STOP and Slow Down. I had to focus on a few (3 to 4) influencers for my business (mentor(s), spiritual, motivational, marketing). What I needed to do was implement what I had already learned vs. consistently taking and paying for training on things that I have already learned. 

Before, I close I do want to mention that I have noticed that there are many fake accounts, and automated accounts on social media. There are companies that allows someone to purchase likes, followers and automated comments which are all fake. If you are following influencers based off of how many followers, likes they have – keep in mind that many are not real. I know this because I have experienced this within my own social media accounts. I noticed it due to my follower count isn’t very high (currently approx. 300), meaning in the thousands; therefore it is much easier for me to notice those accounts. Instagram will even flag potential fake accounts, of which I request to be removed which then drops the follower count.

The key here is to follow (influencers) people that will provide value, motivate, encourage, and inspire you to grow and become a better you. If you are following anyone that is negative, giving bad energy I suggest that you unfollow them immediately. Always keep positive energy around you with those that you are following and the same applies to family and friends too. Remember this, it’s not about how many people you follow, it’s about who you follow and why.

Until next time,

Trina H.